May Brenner on Anecdotes from Life in South Africa
  May Brenner     Biography    
Recorded: 14 Jun 2005

It was really before there was any change politically. It was politically horrible. Much worse than when I left it. He was working in medical school and doing research and I was pregnant again. We were in a little flat.

All I can remember is the day I left a chicken out on the kitchen table and it disappeared. We asked the children, one baby and one three-year old and one ten-year old. Where’s the chicken? We asked the maid, where’s the chicken? The three-year old said, I took the chicken. Where did you put it, Stefan? Where did you put the chicken? With the nappies! There was a bin of dirty nappies and Sydney said, go and get the chicken out of the nappy, but I’ll go and get it Sydney __.Of course, he went anyway. Of course, there was no chicken. It turned out that a cat had come up the fire stairs into the kitchen. We found the chicken in bits all down the stairs. But life wasn’t all serious and getting medals. There were a lot of other funny things and some quiet, quiet moments.

We went back to Africa a few times together. We went to Kenya. We went to other parts of Africa. He’s threatening now to take me to Africa whether the doctors say I can go or whether they don’t. He’ll make a different kind of airplane so I can go back to Africa.

May Brenner was married to Sydney Brenner from December 1952 until her death in January 2010. She was engaged in doing a Ph.D. in Psychology in London.