1. Hershey, A.D. The chemical separation of some cellular constituents of the Brucella group of micro-organisms. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Michigan State College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 1934.

2. Hershey, A.D., I.F. Huddleson and R. B. Pennell. The chemical separation and biological activity of the polysaccharide constituent in Brucella cells. J. Infect. Diseases 57: 183-185 1935.

3. Hershey, A.D., and I.F. Huddleson. The chemical examination of an virulent strain of Brucella abortus. Tech. Bull. No.149, Mich Agric. Expt. Sta., May 1936.

4. Hershey, A.D. and J Bronfenbrenner. Dissociation and lactose activity in slow lactose-fermenting bacteria of intestinal origin. J. Bacteriology. 31: 453-464. 1936.

5. Hershey, A.D., and J Bronfenbrenner. The influence of the composition of the medium on the metabolism of some slow-lactose fermenting bacteria of intestinal origin. J. Bacteriology 32: 519-531. 1936.

6. Hershey, A.D. and J. Bronfenbrenner. On factors limiting bacterial growth. I. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 36: 556-561. 1937.

7. Hershey, A.D. Factors limiting bacterial growth. II. Growth without lag in Bacterium coli cultures. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 38: 127-128. 1938

8. Hershey, A.D. and J Bronfenbrenner. Factors limiting bacterial growth. III. Cell size and "physiologic youth" in Bacterium coli cultures. J Gen. Physiology 21: 721-728. 1938.

9. Bronfenbrenner, J. and A.D. Hershey, and J.A. Doubly. Evaluation of germicides by a manometric method. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 38: 210-212. 1938.

10. Hershey, A.D. Factors limiting bacterial growth. IV. The age of the parent culture and the rate of growth of transplants of Escherichia coli. J Bacteriology 37: 285-299. 1939.

11. Hershey, A.D. Factors limiting bacterial growth. V. Fractional sedimentation of Shigella J. Bacteriology 38: 485-490. 1939.

12. Hershey, A.D. Factors limiting bacterial growth. VI Equations describing the early periods of increase. J Gen. Physiol. 23: 11-19. 1939.

13. Hershey, A.D. Factors limiting bacterial growth. VII. Respiration and growth properties of Escherichia coli surviving sublethal temperatures. J Bacteriology 38: 563-578. 1939.

14. Bronfenbrenner, J. and A.D. Hershey and J Doubly. Evaluation of germicides by a manometric method. J Bacteriology 37: 583-597. 1939.

15. Hershey, A.D. The role of diffusion in the pneumococcus-antipneumococcus reaction. J Immunology 39: 383-396. 1940.

16. Hershey, A.D. The absolute rate of the phage-antiphage reaction. J Immunology 41: 299-319. 1941.

17. Hershey, A.D. and J. Bronfenbrenner. The influence of host resistance on virus infectivity as exemplified with bacteriophage. J Gen Physiology 24: 703-707. 1941.

18. Hershey, A.D. A descriptive theory of specific precipitation. I. The theory J Immunology 42: 455-484. 1941.

19. Hershey, A.D. A descriptive theory of specific precipitation. II. Quantitative applications. J Immunology 42: 485-513. 1941

20. Hershey, A.D. A descriptive theory of specific precipitation. III. The individuality of antibody. J Immunology 42: 515-530. 1941.

21. Hershey, A.D. Specific precipitation. IV. Quantitative application of the restricted theory. J. Immunology, 45: 39-50 1942.

22. Hershey, A.D. and J. Bronfenbrenner. Factors influencing the infectivity of bacteriophage. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 49: 587-588. 1942.

23. Hershey, A.D. Equilibria in an antigen-antibody reaction. Science 95: 280-282 1942.

24. Kalmanson, G.M., A.D. Hershey, and J. Bronfenbrenner. Factors influencing the rate neutralization of bacteriophage by the antibody. J. Immunology 45: 1-12 1942.

25. Hershey, A.D. Specific precipitation. V. Irreversible systems. J Immunology 46: 249-261 1943.

26. Hershey, A.D., G. Kalmanson, and J Bronfenbrenner. Quantitative methods in the study of the phage-antiphage reaction. J. Immunology 46: 267-279 1943.

27. Hershey, A.D. G. Kalmanson, and J.Bronfenbrenner. Quantitative relationship in the phage-antiphage reaction: Unity and homogeneity of the reactants. J Immunology 46: 281-299 1943.

28. Hershey, A.D. and J. Bronfenbrenner. Stepwise liberation of poorly sorbed bacteriophages. J. Bacteriology 45: 211-218 1943.

29. Hershey, A.D. Experiments with bacteriophage supporting the lattice-hypothesis. J. Immunology 47: 77-87 1943.

30. Hershey, A.D. G.M. Kalmanson, and J. Bronfenbrenner. Coordinate effects of electrolyte and antibody on the infectivity of bacteriophage. J. Immunology 48: 221-239 1944.

31. Hershey, A.D. Specific precipitation. VI. The restricted system bivalent antigen, bivalent antibody as an example of reversible bifunctional polymerization. J Immunology 48: 381-401 1944.

32. Hershey, A.D. Mutation of bacteriphage with respect to type of plaque. Genetics 31: 620-640 1946.

33. Hershey, A.D. Spontaneous mutations in bacterial viruses. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. XI: 67-76 1946.

34. Hershey, A.D. , Frances Kimura, and J, Bronfenbrenner. Uniformity of size of bacteriophage particles. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 64: 7-12. 1947.

35. Hershey, A.D. and Raquel Rotman. Linkage among genes controlling inhibiton of lysis in a bacterial virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 34: 89-96 1948.

36. Hershey, A.D. and J. Bronfenbrenner. Bacterial viruses: Bacteriophages In Viral and Rickettsial Infections of Man, ed. T.M. Rivers, pp.147-162. J.B. Lippincott, 1948.

37. Hershey, A.D. and Raquel Rotman. Genetics recombination between host-range and plaque-type mutants of bacteriophage in single bacterial cells. Genetics 34: 44-71 1949.

38. Hershey, A.D. M.D. Kamen, J.W. Kennedy, and H. Gest. The mortality of bacteriophage containing assimilated radioactive phosphorus. J. Gen. Physiology 34: 305-319 1951.

39. Hershey, A.D. and Harriet Davidson. Allelic and non-allelic genes controlling host specificity in a bacteriophage. Genetics 36: 667-675 1951.

40. Hershey, A.D. Catherine Roesel, Martha Chase, and Stanley Forman. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 50: 195-200 1951.

41. Hershey, A.D. and Martha Chase. Genetic recombination and heterozygosis in bacteriophage. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. XVI: 471-479 1951.

42. Hershey, A.D. Reproduction of bacteriophage. Intern. Rev. Cytol. 1: 119-134 1952.

43. Hershey, A.D. Inheritance in bacteriophage. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 54: 960-962 1952.

44. Hershey, A.D. and Martha Chase. Independent functions of viral protein and nucleic acid in growth of bacteriophage. J. Gen. Physiol. 36: 39-56 1952.

45. Hershey, A.D. and Martha Chase. Initial steps in the reproduction of bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 51: 205-207 1952.

46. Hershey, A.D. and J. Bronfenbrenner. Bacterial viruses: Bacteriophages. In Viral and Rickettsial Infections of Man, 2nd edition, ed. T.. Rivers, pp. 190-213. J.B. Lippincott Company, 1952.

47. Hershey, A.D. Intracellular phases in the reproductive cycle of bacteriophageT2. Ann. Inst. Pasteur 84: 99-112. 1953.

48. Hershey, A.D., and June Dixon, and Martha Chase. Nucleic acid economy in bacteria infected with bacteriophage T2. I. Purine and pyrimidine composition. J. Gen, Physiol. 36: 777-789. 1953.

49. Hershey, A.D., Nucleic acid economy in bacteria infected with bacteriophage T2. II Phage precursor nucleic acid. J. Gen. Physiol. 37: 1-12. 1953.

50. Hershey, A.D., Inheritance in bacteriophage. Advan. Genet. 5: 89-106. 1953

51. Hershey, A.D., Functional differentiation within particles of bacteriophage T2. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. XVIII: 135-139. 1953.

52. Hershey, A.D., June Dixon Hudis, and Martha Chase. Role of desoxyribose nucleic acid in bacteriophage infection. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 52: 223-227. 1953

53. Hershey, A.D., Conservation of nucleic acids during bacterial growth. J. Gen. Physiol. 38: 145-148. 1954

54. Hershey, A.D., Some central problems of viral growth. In The Dynamics of Virus and Rickettsial Infections, pp. 13-15. Blakiston Co., New York, 1954.

55. Hershey, A.D., A. Garen, Dorothy K. Fraser, and June Dixon Hudis. Growth and inhertance n bacterophage. Carnege Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 53: 210-225. 1954.

56. Hershey, A.D. An upper limit to the protein content of the germinal substance of bacteriophage T2. Virology 1: 108-127. 1955.

57. Hershey, A.D. , Elizabeth Burgi, A. Garen, and N. Melechen. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 54: 216-219 1955.

58. Hershey, A.D. Chemistry and viral growth. In Currents in Biochemical Research, ed. D.E. Green, pp. 1-28. New York, Interscience Publishers Inc., 1956.

59. Hershey, A.D. The organization of genetic material in bacteriophage T2. Brookhaven Symp. Biol. 8: 6-14. 1956.

60. Hershey, A.D. and E.Burgi. Genetic significance of the transfer of nucleic acid from parental to offspring phage. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. XXXI: 91-101. 1956.

61. Hershey, A.D. Genetic structure and function in bacteriophage T2. In Enzymes: Units of Biological Structure and Function (Henry Ford Hospital International Symposium), pp.109-117. New York, Academic Press Inc., 1956.

62. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, J.D. Mandell, and N.E. Melechen. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst.Wash. Yr. Bk. 55: 297-301. 1956. (Photocopy)

63. Hershey, A.D. Bacteriophage T2: Parasite or organelle? The Harvey Lectures, Series LI, pp.229-239. Academic Press Inc., New York, 1957.

64. Hershey, A.D. Bacteriophage as genetic and biochemical systems. Advan. Virus Research 4: 25-61. 1957.

65. Hershey, A.D. Experimental problems concerning the role of deoxyribonucleic acid in the growth of bacteriophage T2. Cellular Biology, Nucleic Acids and Viruses, Special Publ. New York Acad. Sci, 5: 251-257. 1957.

66. Hershey, A.D. Some minor components of bacteriophage T2 particles. Virology 4: 237-264. 1957.

67. Hershey, A.D. and N.E. Melechen. Synthesis of phage-precursor nucleic acid in the presence of chloramphenicol. Virology 3: 207-236. 1957

68. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, J.D. Mandell, and J. Tomizawa. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 56: 362-364. 1957.

69. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, and G. Streisinger. Genetic recombination between phages in the presence of chloramphenicol. Virology 6: 287-288. 1958.

70. Hershey, A.D. The production of recombinants in phage crosses. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. XXIII: 19-46. 1958.

71. Hershey, A.D. G. Koch, A. Kozinsky, J.D. Mandell, R. Thomas, and J. Tomizawa. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 57: 379-386. 1958. (Photocopy)

72. Koch, G., and A.D. Hershey. Synthesis of phage-precursor protein in bacteria infected with T2. J. Mol. Biol. 1: 260-276. 1959.

73. Hershey, A.D. , C. Cocito, and T. Minagawa. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 58: 430-431. 1959.

74. Hershey, A.D., with others, editors. Bacteriophages, by Mark H. Adams, 592 pp. Interscience Publishers, 1959.

75. Hershey, A.D. Bacteriophages. In Viral and Rickettsial Infections of Man 3rd edition, ed. T.M. Rivers and F.L. Horsfall, Jr., pp. 172-198. J.B. Lippincott Company, 1959.

76. Hershey, A.D. Review of the Viruses, vol.2, ed. F.M. Burnet and W.M. Stanley. Science 131: 724. 1960.

77. Hershey, A.D. and Elizabeth Burgi. Molecular homogeneity of the deoxyribonucleic acid of phage T2. J. Mol. Biol. 2: 143-152. 1960.

78. Cocito, C. and A.D. Hershey. Transfer of DNA-glucose from parental to offspring phage T2. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 37: 543-544. 1960.

79. Mandell, J.D., and A.D. Hershey. A fractionating column for analysis of nucleic acids. Anal. Biochem. 1: 66-77. 1960.

80. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, C. Cocito, Laura Ingraham, E.H. simon, and T. Minagawa. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 59: 421-424. 1960.

81. Burgi, Elizabeth, and A.D. Hershey. A relative molecular weight series derived from the nucleic acid of bacteriophage T2. J mol. Biol. 3: 458-472. 1961.

82. Rubenstein, I., C. A. Thomas, Jr. And A.D. Hershey. The molecular weights of T2 bacteriophage DNA and its first and second breakage products. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 47: 1113-1122. 1961.

83. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, H.J. Cairns, Fred Frankel, and Laura Ingraham. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 60: 455-461. 1961.

84. Burgi, Elizabeth, and A.D. Hershey. Specificity and concentration limit in self-protection against mechanical breakage of DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 4: 313-315. 1962.

85. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, and Laura Ingraham. Sedimentation coefficient and fragility under hydrodynamic shear as measures of molecular weight of the DNA of phage T5. Biophys. J. 2: 423-431. 1962.

86. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, F. Frankel, E. Goldberg, and Laura Ingraham. Growth and inheritance in bacteriophage. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 61: 443-448. 1962.

87. Burgi, Elizabeth, and A.D. Hershey. Sedimentation rate as a measure of molecular weight of DNA. Biophys. J. 3: 309-321. 1963.

88. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, and Laura Ingraham. Cohesion of DNA molecules isolated from phage lambda. Proc. Natl. Acd. Sci. U.S. 49: 748-755. 1963.

89. Hershey, A.D., E. Goldberg, Elizabeth Burgi, and Laura Ingraham. Local denaturation of DNA by shearing forced and by heat. J. mol. Biol. 6: 230-243. 1963.

90. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, F.R. Frankel, E. Goldberg, Laura Ingraham, and Gisela Mosig. Some idiosyncrasies of phage DNA structure. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 62: 481-486. 1963.

91. Hershey, A.D. Some idiosyncrasies of phage DNA structure. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 63: 580-592. 1964.

92. Cowie, D.B. and A.D. Hershey. Multiple sites of intersection with host-cell DNA in the DNA of phage (lambda). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 53: 57-62. 1965.

93. Hershey, A.D., and Elizabeth Burgi. Complementary structure of interacting sites at the ends of lambda DNA molecules. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 53: 325-328. 1965

94. Hershey, A.D., Elizabeth Burgi, and C.I. Davern. Preparative density gradient centrifugation of the molecular halves of lambda DNA. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 18: 675-678. 1965.

95. Hershey, A.D. Structure and function of phage DNAs. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 64: 519-527. 1965.

96. Burgi, Elizabeth, A.D. Hershey, and Laura Ingraham. Preferred breakage points in T5 DNA molecules subjected to shear. Virology 28: 11-14. 1966.

97. Hershey, A.D. The injection of DNA into cells by phage. In Phage and the Origins of Molecular Biology, ed. J Cairns, G.S. Stent, and J.D. Watson, pp. 100-108. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology, 1966.

98. Hershey, A.D. Structure and function of phage DNAs. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 65: 559-568. 1966.

99. Hershey, A.D. Structure and function of phage DNAs. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 66: 650-664. 1967.

100. Skalka, A., Elizabeth Burgi, and A.D. Hershey. Segmental distribution of nucleotides in the DNA of bacteriophage lambda. J Mol. Biol. 34: 1-16. 1968.

101. Hershey, A.D. Structure and function of phage DNAs. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr.. Bk. 67: 556-567. 1968

102. Hershey, A.D. Genes and hereditary characteristics. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 68: 655-667. 1969.

103. Hershey, A.D. Genes and hereditary characteristics. Nature 226: 697-700. 1970.

104. Hershey, A.D. Idiosyncrasies of DNA structure. Nobel lecture published in Science 168: 1425-1427. 1970.

105. Hershey, A.D. Idiosyncrasies of DNA structure. In Les Prix Nobel en 1969, pp.157-163. Imprimerie Royal P.A. Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, 1970.

106. Hershey, A.D. Persistent heterozygotes in phage T4. Carnegie Inst. Yr. Bk. 69: 717-721. 1970.

107. Hershey, A.D., and William Dove. Introduction to lambda. In The Bacteriophage Lambda, ed. A.D. Hershey, pp. 2-11. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1971.

108. Hershey, A.D. Comparative molecular structure among related phage DNAs. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk. 70: 3-17. 1971.